The Pros and Cons of Owning a Stallion
A question that I am asked constantly, “Why do you keep your horse a stallion?”. Because the answer to this question is complex and there is so much controversy when riding and competing a stallion in the United States, I wanted to take the time to explain why I have chosen to not castrate my horse.
Safety is always the Number One Priority
Before addressing this question and talking about the pros and cons of owning and competing a stallion, I think it is important to discuss my background and experience to provide some insight to why I have chosen to not geld my Lusitano, Iguazu. I have been riding horses since I was 4 years old, been competing since I was 12, and have trained with stallions in Spain for almost two years with some of the top trainers in my sport (a very important reason why I have not gelded my horse!). I would categorize myself as an experienced rider and horse owner. As a young rider going through Pony Club, I was taught before anything else, SAFELY COMES FIRST. When I refer to safety this means my personal safety around horses, my horse’s safety, and the responsibility of the safety for other people and horses around me. If you are not familiar with basic horse safety I recommend reading this article on Horse Safety Rules & Safety Manual Guidelines from the American Youth Horse Council, For a more in depth explanation of horse and rider safety I highly recommend the book, “Start with Safety Guidelines” which can be purchased at this link or on Amazon
Safety with Stallions
Horseback riding and handling horses is not something that should ever be taken lightly. Even if you do everything right, at the end of the day horses are unpredictable! You have to always be aware of your surroundings and be thinking ahead of time of all the things that can possibly go wrong. This mind frame is essential for riding and handling a horse on the ground, and even more important when you work with a stallion... a horse that is driven by hormones. A hormonal stallion can be one of the most dangerous horses to handle. Handling and riding a stallion should never be casual as even with the most skilled horsemanship things can go south quickly.
The European Mentality of Dealing With Stallions
Me riding a Lusitano Stallion in Andalusia Spain
So why is it that I take the extra risk to own and compete with a horse that has the potential to be most unpredictable? Part of my answer to this question has to do with my exposure to the European mentality of riding stallions. As I mentioned I had the privilege to ride and train in Andalusia Spain with some of the top trainers in the world. It was very rare to see a high level dressage horse in Spain gelded. Almost all the horses that I trained on were stallions. Very different to the American barns where it is almost unheard of to see a stallion at a training facility. The Spanish and Portuguese have a different mentality of raising their male horses than we do here in the United States. Based upon my experience and knowledge, here are some reasons why the Spanish and Portuguese choose not to geld their horses:
Physical Development of Iberian Horses
In Spain and Portugal the majority of the dressage riders work with Iberian horses who originated from the Iberian peninsula. The Iberian horses in modern day are categorized into 18 horse breeds that are officially recognized as Iberian horses. Two of the breeds have become very popular for dressage competition: the Andalusians (also known as PREs or Pura Raza Española) most communally found in Spain and the Lusitano (also known as PSL or Puro Sangue Lusitano) most commonly found in Portugal. The Iberian horses matures late, towards their sixth year. Because these horses physically develop much later then other breeds such as Warmbloods, Iberian horse breeders and trainers have found that not gelding their horses at the an early age has benefitted their horses to physically mature properly and does not stunt their growth.
Behavior and Socialization of Iberian Horses in Europe
It is known that the Iberian stallions tend to be calmer and more manageable than the warmblood stallions. If you talk to a trainer in Spain they will argue that the Iberian horses are more sensitive and have a better temperament than warmbloods making them easier to remain stallions. Although I find this statement to be a little biased, it proves credible when you go to a barn in Spain or Portugal and see 5 stallions tied up next to one another without behavioral issues (for the record I do not recommend doing this!). From my time training in Spain and the experience of working and owning Iberian horses, I do see how people claim Iberian horses have a good demeanor setting them up to be more manageable as stallions. But, I also witnessed how the Spanish and Portuguese raise and handle their stallions, which is very different then how we raise ours here in America. They are not isolated. They are well socialized and are around other stallions/geldings from a young age. In general, they are not treated as a liability, but simply a horse that requires extra precautions. However, most training barns I visited in Spain had at least one stallion that everyone told you to stay away from because they were too unpredictable. These stallions were only ridden by an advance trainer, and just like humans, I think both nature and nurture played a role in a stallion's behavior. Even if you do everything to raise and train them right, there are just some stallions that will always be just too risky and should not be handled by anyone but a professional.
Cultural Differences
I saw in Spain and Portugal cultural differences in the breeding and training of their horses. I believe these differences have an underlying role in determining whether a culture is oriented towards keeping and training stallions. In Spain and Portugal the equestrian culture is fit for handling and training stallions safely and successfully partially because they are hard on the horses and expect nothing less than good behavior. The training barns have very similar processes and requirements that include specific accommodations (example stalls, turnouts and stallion friendly barns), handling skills of the grooms, and training tactics that meet the needs and priorities of stallions. Not allowing the stallion to inch forward without being in control of the horse, correcting a stallion's behavior while engaging safely with the horse, correcting a stallion when he comes too close into the rider's space by asking him to step back and remain in that safe space, are all examples of critical training methods that stallions require to remain safe. These techniques are not administered casually and the Spanish and Portuguese do not raise stallions without a firm presence. Their horse training methods provide an environment to train stallions properly and they showed me how wonderful working with stallions can be. Americans might consider some of these tactics as a little too harsh, but the stallions need structure and more discipline then geldings and mares.
Treating Horses as Teammates versus Pets
While in Europe, I noticed there was a significant difference between how people treated and interacted with their horses and built their relationships. In Portugal and Spain, horses are viewed more as teammates for recreation and/or work. They are trained and expected to do a “job” together with their rider to achieve training goals.
In America, we often see our horses more as pets or companions. Many Americans are less structured horseback riders than their counterparts in Spain or Portugal and seem to focus on enjoying the horse as a pastime rather than training the horse in a firm systematic way. In my observation, the average amateur American equestrian seems to be less structured and strict with their horses, perhaps because they may seek more relaxation and companionship with their horses rather than achieving aggressive training goals. A more relaxed training schedule and environment is not ideal for most stallions which is partially why we have less success and interest in training them.
Why I have kept my horse a Stallion
After experiencing and working to understand the mentality and uniqueness of the Iberian horses, I can now answer the question of why I have not gelded my Lusitano stallion, Iguazu:
Temperament and Training Tactics
Training with Iguazu at home
I purchased Iguazu when he was 4 years old from a Portuguese breeder/trainer who only worked with Lusitano stallions. From the time Iguazu was born he was raised/trained with the European stallion mind frame which I explained above. He was in a barn with other stallions, turned out daily next to stallions and geldings (with proper fencing and accommodations built for stallion safety), and trained to be a teammate not a pet. This basic but stallion focused training provided me with a manageable young stallion when I purchased him. He understood boundaries and reacted well to his work under saddle. Although there were days when he would be hormonal and distracted, I continued with the European training techniques he was raised with to keep him progressing. This level of training and respect for one another has been beneficial to his growth and taming his hormonal moments to work to our advantage under saddle. The riding skills I learned and use with Iguazu include always being very confident, setting boundaries with my space, focus on the job at hand, and making decisions with conviction to provide my stallion with structured training and handling methods. I can transfer Iguazu’s stallion energy into the training at hand and keep him engaged. My goal with each ride is to have him participate and perform while training so together we can pursue our goal to advance in dressage levels. The best way I can explain it is, I have been successful in channeling his testosterone energy to remain focused and get the job done while training.
Future Breeding Opportunities
Iguazu’s Grandfather Riopele
Iguazu has amazing bloodlines and his grandfather was a world champion in Portugal. What this means for me is that Iguazu has potential to one day be studded out, and I might want to breed him and even keep one of his offspring. When I tell people that this is one of the reasons why I keep him a stallion, the question I am typically asked is, “if you are keeping him a stallion to breed him why don't you freeze his sperm and then geld him?” There are two reasons why I have not decided to just freeze his sperm and geld him if I one day want to breed him. The first is, Iguazu is still a virgin. Based upon stallion knowledge, I do not believe that a stallion who is training and competing should be breeding at the same time. Once you intentionally activate a stallions' sex drive most often the horse's behavior drastically changes. Once exposed to intentional ejaculation the stallion's energy, that I have worked so hard to channel into training, risks being directed towards the mares and engaging in the release of his hormones instead of getting his work done. The second reason... if I decided to freeze Iguazu's semen and then castrate him I would be at risk of losing the well behaved horse that I currently own. I would be releasing a sex drive that he has not yet tapped into only to then take away his testosterone by castrating him. In my opinion, this would change his temperament and create issues with his performance that jeopardize our good training. Now let me be clear, if Iguazu was not a well behaved stallion and I felt uncomfortable around him I would of course freeze his semen and castrate him. Fortunately, he shows no signs of needing to go down that road and is very manageable with the proficient stallion care I practice. When the day comes that I retire him or if he ever gets injured and can not compete, I know that I am preserving the gift of him becoming a stud horse and having a career change as a breeding stallion. From what I observed and learned, it is best not to confuse a stallion that is well behaved and on purpose. Right now, he knows his purpose and we are devoted to training and competition.
Facility and Trainer
Me taking Iquazu in from turnout at facility where I board him in Northern California
Lastly, the reason I want to keep Iguazu a stallion is I have found a wonderful training facility and trainer who understands and welcomes stallions. Iguazu is stabled in a barn with a gelding on either side of him. They really are his buddies and he is turned out safely everyday to socialize just like every other horse in the barn. He has proper fencing on both sides of his stall with electric shocks that provide a safe living situation. Safety measures and the appreciation of the stallion by my trainer and her staff have ensured Iguazu is not looked at as a liability. Often in the U.S. people have a perception that keeping a horse a stallion is cruel to the horse. Well, I will argue any day that if a stallion can live and train in a facility that provides him a good lifestyle in a healthy and safe environment, it can work out as the best scenario for both horse and rider. Iguazu is constantly stimulated, is not looked at as a liability, and receives outstanding care from the staff at my barn and me. I am very lucky to have a trainer that appreciates and embraces a well behaved stallion while understanding his needs and characteristics. She manages her training barn based upon the needs and personality of each horse and has herself extensive stallion experience. If I did not have the right accommodations and trainer for Iguazu, it would be very difficult for both of us to progress with our training and goals and I would constantly be torn with the anguish to geld him. Iguazu's care and well being is the first priority to me and I am very fortunate to have found the ideal environment for him to be a healthy and happy stallion in a dressage training facility. His living and training environment comes close to the successful stallions I was exposed to in Europe and does not isolate and label him as a liability. This only compliments his work and decreases the likelihood that he develop aggressive or dangerous behavioral traits.
The Challenges of Owning a Stallion: Liability of a Hormonal horse
The first and most important challenge to owning a stallion is the extra liability of having an unpredictable horse, and that’s why I started this post with the importance of safety. I always have to remember that Iguazu has the potential to be more aggressive than other horses because he is a hormonal stallion! I am constantly thinking ahead of time of everything that can go wrong! It is my job to prevent putting him or myself in risky situations where something might go wrong. An example, if a mare is being tacked up in the cross ties, I wait until she leaves before tacking up Iguazu or tack him up in his stall. Especially at shows where he is in a new environment, I go out of my way to make certain precautions are in place to not improperly engage him, myself, someone else, or another horse. When I lead him in a situation towards a potential issue, I always put a stud chain on his halter to give me more control over him and his movements. I never interact with him without the proper foot gear, always wear my helmet when I ride him, and carry a dressage crop as a training aid and as needed for discipline. He is never left unsupervised and I plan all my movements on and off the saddle ahead of time to help in risk management.
Respecting other’s Fear of Stallions
Owning a stallion comes with the responsibility to be extra respectful towards other people who might be nervous around a stallion. Practicing first rate barn etiquette and safety is my job. Taking on the responsibility of a stallion also means that I need to respect and be extra conscientious of how people perceive and receive him. I know that the lack of exposure and experience with a stallion can be intimating and others easily fear the unpredictability of a stallion's behavior. I make sure I never walk Iguazu up to someone or other horses unannounced or unchecked and go out of my way to make sure other people and horses feel safe having Iguazu around them. It takes time and patience and understanding as some people want no contact with a stallion. Although he is not an aggressive horse, I always give new comers the heads up he is a stallion and give them the opportunity to find their comfort zone. Taking responsibility for owning a stallion requires extra work and consideration for the boarders at my barn and when I take him to shows. Just because I am comfortable with handling and riding a stallion does not mean that others are or have to be.
Transporting and Showing
Planning ahead of time regarding transportation and accommodations is necessary when you compete with a stallion. When it comes to transporting Iguazu or taking him to shows, I have to go out of my way to make sure he is not close to the mares. This often requires arranging separate transportation and arrival time. Communication and alerting the show grounds ahead of time that I have a stallion is critical to safely boarding away from mares and in a barn that best suits us. . Taking a stallion off property is not an easy mission! I need to make all the necessary arrangements and notify the facility ahead of time to make sure Iguazu travels safely and is in a stall that can accommodate a stallion keeping him and other horses safe.
I want to be very clear, I did not write this post to encourage people to purchase stallions! What I intended was to bring to light some of the challenges and misnomers behind owning a stallion in the U.S. I can remember during my Pony Club and eventing years the discomfort I felt knowing a stallion was being stalled in my barn or at a show. My early horsemanship had me fearing stallions and believing that they were all dangerous. To my own unexpected delight, I have found so much of those early fears to be stereotypical and wrong. I am very grateful I had the privilege to experience the wonders and strengths of owning and training with stallions during my time in Spain for it was through the ancient European horse rearing culture of this country that I was honestly introduced to the stallions. They can be truly wonderful partners when worked with properly. At the end of the day, whether its a mare, gelding, or stallion, it’s essential to find the right horse that fits your experience, needs, personality, and riding goals. And in taking on this partner, It is also your job to provide them with the proper care and training that every horse deserves.